There is an enormous amount of technology available today for leak detection from home humidity detectors to robots that crawl through pipes. Read more here.
The impact of a water leak can be much bigger than you may realize. Not only is water being wasted but the air you breathe can be polluted. Read more here.
The impact of water leaks on your water bill can be significant, but only after a professional leak assessment can you know if you have leaks. Read more here.
Regular examination of some potential problems areas in the home may alert you if you have a leak. Sometimes it is worth asking an expert. Read more here.
The negative environmental impact of water leaks in a building reach far beyond a house. They affect your wallet, air, and water supply. Read more here.
Weeping tile is PVC pipe (formerly clay pipe) that is part of your exterior drainage system carrying water away from your home or building. Read more here.