Floods are among the most frequent and expensive of all natural disasters. They cost economic and human hardship.
If you live in a floodplain where prolonged rainfall over several days or intense rainfall over a short period of time is common like it is in British Columbia, then you need to understand what to do in case of flooding. During winter, melting snow can cause rivers to swell and flood immediate areas.
Falling leaves combined with heavy rains can quickly clog drains and spur local flooding. Did you know that leaf debris can be added to municipal yard waste bins? In general, leaves should not be swept or blown into streets because they can clog municipal storm drains and lead to localised flooding, which can be lengthy and expensive to remedy.
Listed are the five main reasons that a chimney leaks. If your leak cannot be traced to one of these five items then the leak probably is not coming from the chimney. A Qualified Chimney Leak Repair Business in Vancouver can help with effective diagnosis and resolution of any of these challenges.
We associate leaks with freezing weather and lots of rain, but in fact they happen all year round. High traffic in the bathroom from summer visitors? Leaks. People yanking the hose around the garden? Leaks. Children clawing their way up the kitchen sink to get at the taps? Leaks. When you’re spending more time outdoors and the weather is warmer, you’re actually less likely to notice dripping taps or a cracked exterior pipe.
Dealing with a roof leak can be one of the most confounding aspects of home ownership. Most often, the source of that leak is not something to be seen easily. Instead of running with the buckets every time it rains, here are some suggestions for locating the source of a roof leak.
No one wants to face water damage in their home but when it happens homeowner’s must act fast to mitigate damage to the greatest extent possible. You want a company that can help you quickly and effectively. But you need to take enough time to be sure that any company you choose has experience in the following...
Because they are the lowest point of a home, and underground, basements attract unwanted water easily. Basement leaks are not just a nuisance; they pose major problems for cleanliness, structural integrity, and the health of residents. Here are some tips to keep your basement dry!
You've experienced a major leak in your house — a flooded basement, a failing roof, a broken pipe, or some other cause of unwanted water. No matter the reason why it happened, it is very important to start water damage restoration right away. The faster you get to work with flood restoration, the greater success you will experience in getting your home back to normal.